Mar 22, 2013

Spring Break?


Photo Mar 29, 6 59 48 PM


Last year at this time, John and I rode fourteen miles.  If I remember right, I wore a tank top.  We stopped at the local one-stop and got a cold one and at the end of the day, I was sporting a sunburn.  That won’t happen this weekend.  Although the calendar says spring, it has yet to resemble such here in Nebraska.  We are expecting more snow this weekend, so I put blankets back on the horses, who have started to really shed their winter coats.  The picture above was taken March 29, 2012.  Today that pond is dry.




Last year at this time, my flowering crab trees were blooming.  This is the picture outside my front door this morning.  While it is not out of the ordinary to have snow in March, I do worry about how much damage the drought has done to our spring grass.  I hate the cold and prefer rain over snow, but at this point, we’ll take the moisture any way it comes. 


I went to a horse auction a few weeks ago.  While I certainly do not need another horse, I knew of a young, well-started mare that was going to be there and was going to be sold no matter what the bid.  While I hate to see any horse “get on the truck” to Mexico, for some reason, this one called to me and I decided I would save her from that fate (even though I have barely enough hay to get me through the season.)  As it was, she thankfully sold before the auction.  Actually, most sold for more than killer price during the time I was there.  (Or so I believe.) 


misc 034


Not wanting to go home empty handed, I bid and won a draft horse harness for $35.  It has been about ten years since John has harnessed Baby.  I think its about time The Duchess stops laying around and gets a job.  John was very tickled when I told him what I bought and probably even more so that I didn’t have a horse with me!   




While I have no interest in driving, John has always been mildly enthused.  Over the years he has tinkered with putting together a wagon and had bought a collar for Baby.  She has long grown out of the original harness, so he was pretty happy with my good buy. 




The harness that I bought was actually for a team.  For a few days, he worked on making sure the harness was all there and could accommodate just one horse.  On the first semi-nice day, he fitted her to the new harness.




Years ago, he had her pulling a skid so the idea of the harness and driving was not foreign to her, but perhaps long forgotten.  It didn’t take long for her to get the idea of having someone behind her rather than on her back. 


Driving Baby


Who knows.  Maybe this is the year that Baby starts to earn that round bale she is bellied up to so often.  I’m thinking perhaps I should find some interest.  By the looks of it, ground driving might be good for the my diet plan. 


Photo Jun 04, 7 24 16 PM


In other news, Miss Fancy Pants is off visiting a trainer for a few weeks.  While she does lovely on the trail, she doesn’t have some of the buttons that Windy has, most notably, she has always been rather sticky with lateral movements.  So she is off to further her education.  The schooling continues…. 




  1. Anonymous11:06 AM

    The weatherman in Omaha said that last year it was 91 degrees on March 30!! No wonder you were sunburned...
    Baby looks great in harness, now you need a big hay wagon.

    1. And I need hay to put in that big hay wagon! :) Ninety was a little extreme but I'd settle for 68 with a nice quiet breeze.

  2. It is amazing the differences in any given year. Last year, as I recently went through photos in this same time period, we had had 3 snows.
    You'll catch up on your always do! Neat that Fancy is getting some training...Tell me(us) about the super fit TB looking horse in the last old looking photo!

    A Yea, that is good a cardio work out there John! HAHAHA!! Good work!
    Very nice harness, Baby will be fun to get going again..maybe a wagon, in the future??

    1. That's Fancy in the last picture, Kacy. She is all quarter horse but built like I like - more the TB look. I think I took this pic last spring when I was still fighting to get a little weight on her. I didn't like her topline. By the end of riding season, she looked great.

  3. I`m with you about the weather. Its pants here to, good to see the harness fits!

  4. You guys look as drier or drier than we do! Talked to someone south of us who said their horses are standing almost knee deep in mud after that last snow - don't like the sound of that either, but at least they got some moisture. Gravel roads are like concrete and everything goes has this puffy layer of dust. Scary.

    Baby sure looks complacent about the whole driving thing!

  5. No one is happy with their weather lately. Here it's very muddy. Everything is saturated and I've been keeping the horses off the fields part of the time because I'm afraid they're going to damage the roots of the grass. Yesterday it was sunny and warm and we weeded and feeded (or is it wed and fed? ha ha) the lawn. Today it was snowing all day. Global warming. We can't keep ignoring it.

    Love that picture of Baby wearing the collar.

    That was really nice that you were going to save that horse from the sale. You're a good person.

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  7. I hate to say this, but Baby needs a diet!


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