Oct 28, 2010

All By Myself

My last post about taking a trip alone with just my dog, my horse and me, generated some interesting comments and emails; especially the part about doing it alone.

Now anyone who knows me knows that I am a VERY social person and I enjoy being with others. I would rather ride with friends than ride alone. I enjoy all 100+ women at the Friday Before Mother's Day Ride, socializing with everyone at Expo and look forward every year to Cowgirl Weekend. What intrigues me about the kind of trip I mentioned is that I would not have to answer to anyone. I wouldn't need a schedule or a menu. I could stay longer at one place or if I wanted, leave early. I could stop at a restaurant or eat pizza from a gas station. I could drive 50 miles today or 250 miles. I would just simply do what I wanted to do. There would be no one to consult with on the decisions I make.

But once I got to where I was going, I would hope there would be people in the picture. Since I started Horsetrailriders.com in 2004, I have built quite a network of horse people. Some I know personally, casual acquaintances whom I met along the trail. Others who have visited my website with whom I started email friendships. Still others who have moved out of state and have stayed in touch. Once I started to blog, another world opened up; fellow bloggers who share this horse hobby. All of these are the people whom I would like to meet along the way.

Am I running away? Nope. It's just after 22 years of being a couple, 18 years of marriage and 17 years of motherhood, I kind of forgot what it is like to do things on my own agenda. I left home two weeks after I graduated from high school and never looked back. I have always been independent and never minded being alone. Heck, I didn't marry until I was 32 years old! My kids don't enjoy the horse life and John doesn't really enjoy traveling. I'm still young enough and smart enough and healthy enough to do this. It would be my version of "Calgon, take me away." (Old television commercial reference.) And it would only be a couple weeks out of my life.

Will it happen? I sure hope so. When? Who knows! But what fun is a bucket list if you can't dream... or never get to scratch anything off?


  1. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Very cool - it's nice sometimes to just be yourself, by yourself.

  2. I'm the same way. I'm very social and friendly but I love my alone time. I don't think I've ever been lonely. I would LOVE to go somewhere by myself for a while and do what you said, leave when I want, eat when I want, sleep when I want, nobody's schedule but my own. And read! And write! What freedom! Do it girl!

  3. Calgon, take me away...I say it about every week! lol

    I don't think you would be happy on a trip alone. I'm ready to go, and you could say when and where, and I would be fine with that! lol

    let's go ride, and sometimes fast!

  4. I prefer traveling alone for the most part. Did 15,000 miles with the trailer and horse in tow last year, and all but about 1200 were alone. Hubby understands my wanderlust. I am mostly anti-social, or A S as I call it. lol

  5. LOL....Calgon take me away...geez, I remember that commercial and I used to use the crystals! I think having time completely to yourself allows you to rejuvenate. It's healthy. You will be refreshed and revitalized; how can your family and friends not want that for you?? I say, go for it! :-)

  6. Company is good, but sometimes its good to get a little "me time"! I ride often on my own, it can be exciting and can be a total adventure! Good on ya!

  7. Start thinking of places to go and trails to see! Sounds like an excellent plan and a wonderful experience. Can't wait to see you go check it off your list!

  8. Since I lost my husband, that's all I got is me and it's lonely!!! But I can totally understand where you're coming from. Sometimes it's good to get a little space between ya because then the reunion is that much sweeter. I enjoy the freedom of being single some of the time but unfortunately, I have no one to go home to.


I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.