Feb 28, 2009

Winter Interrupted

Nebraska winter was interrupted this past week
with a couple of nice days
worthy of taking the day off from work
and riding with friends.
With hunting season finally over,
we were able to ride along the river.
Slabs of ice washed ashore littered the interior trails
causing quite a few “WTH” snorts from our equine friends.

The river was low enough
for us to ride on the sandbars.
Isn’t it every woman’s dream
to gallop across the beach?
The ride on Wednesday will have to sustain us
as February returned with a vengeance yesterday;
chilling temperatures
and several inches of snow.

“I could have been a better friend if I hadn’t trusted time. “ – Rod McKuen
In memory of my business colleague and friend, who left this world too soon.
Godspeed, DF


  1. Looks like such a pretty ride!! I hope to ride on the beach one day.
    Enjoy your last (hopefully) round of winter!

  2. Hard to believe that was just a few days ago, looking out on the snow-covered world today. But it can't last much longer!


I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.