May 23, 2010

Cattle Drive

Sunday Stills ~ Landscapes. This is our pasture looking up to our home.

Cattle Drive! Okay, bull drive. Singular. The neighbor said we can bring his rented bull back any time. I say today is not soon enough. John said we have to have a plan. I say, “Just do it!”

The trick is to separate the bull from our cows, take the bull thru the pasture gate and keep him off the highway. Turn him 90 degrees and drive him down the road, over the bridge and then drop him off in the pasture on the other side of the road.

I say EZ-peezy. John said we have to practice cutting him off from the herd. But will the practice really vary from the real deal? I think not. With horses and 4 wheelers, how hard can herding one fat bull be?

Men. They have no sense of urgency. Or desire to get the ol’ adrenaline flowing. Why for once can’t we just fly by the seat of our pants and just do it?

PS: Today's Sunday Stills challenge is "Landscapes". We'll use the top photo of this post for my landscape.


  1. Sounds like one 'little' bull is no match for you. He'll be down the road in no time.

  2. I can't wait to hear how this turns out!

  3. Boy, is it green down there where you are! It made for a great landscape shot! How did moving the bulll go? We moved all of our bulls out of the corrals to the "bull pasture" several weeks ago. It was an easy move, they were ready to get out of there and knew where they were headed. When we test them in a month, they will be a lot harder to handle. (Sometimes riding with your husband and moving cattle can be tougher than moving a wild bunch,depending on the day!)

  4. I'm sure you guys will get that bull separated with no problem!

  5. It's usually the opposite with me, I'm a true ponderer of the situation and the guys just want to roll. I'm with others, I can't wait to hear how this went.

  6. No bull drive yet, but I'm still working in it...:)

  7. My man would put it off, too. I think he'd hire someone else to do it. lol!

    So how'd the bull herding go?



I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.