Jun 13, 2012



Oh, my poor neglected blog…  Was my last post really June 3?  When that much time has passed I have either been very busy or out riding.  Well, its been a little of both.




This past weekend I drove out to Nebraska National Forest near Halsey for a long weekend.  I hauled both Windy and Fancy and drove out alone.  John was still working up north at the ranch and would meet me there at week’s end; Case hung with his Nana and McCain prepared to move out for the summer.  I really need another dog.  Yes, I have three right now but for various reasons, none are good camping/traveling dogs.  I need a fourth dog to keep me company on these 4 hour drives.  Don’t tell John.




We were celebrating my friend, Jules, birthday but also installing eight new corrals at the horse camp, courtesy of the Nebraska Horse Trails Committee.    So a little work and a little play.  I have to tell you, this volunteer stuff is over-rated.  Setting up those corrals really cut into my ride time!  But it was good to have that accomplished.




When we rode out on Thursday, I could have left one of the mares in a corral at camp but instead, chose to pony Fancy from Windy.  It just took about 3 times for Fancy to feel my spur in her chest to keep her at my knee next to Windy.  At times she would ponder a bit behind Windy, but she was very good.  Only once did I drop the rope; it was dallied around my horn and resting under my leg and I didn’t feel it go.  She waiting patiently as I turned around to get her.




By Sunday, the temps had dropped considerably.  Thursday I was riding in a tank top and Sunday we were bundled up in our fleece once again.  That’s Nebraska weather for you.




I have a lot of pictures from the ride that I hope to have time to post soon.  But for now, I just wanted to get rid of the stale post from June 2. 




  1. What fun! I do love to pony for some reason, I'm glad you did. Fancy and Windy look very fit!

    We've had some Nebraska here too...80 to 40 degrees on one ride! Burr!
    Gonna go read that not at all stale post...looks fun and you put a lot into it!

  2. Maybe what you need is a pocket pet to keep you company, something you can take ON the horse when you ride: chihuahua, yorkie, tiny wiener dog...

    1. You just named the complete list of my most undesirable dogs! Maybe I need to rethink this. LOLs!

  3. Such gorgeous terrain. What kind of horse is Windy? She is a beautiful bay and I love her face -- what a sweet, intelligent eye she has.

    1. Windy is a Quarter Horse and thank you. She takes my breath away. :)

  4. I just read "About Windy". LOVED it. Yes, a heart horse... the bond just has to be there and HOW does one explain it? I am in the market for a second horse (just sold my half Friesian to my barn manager/trainer). I have the bond with my little (almost) 14.2 QH (pony). Now I'm looking for a second. I am checking out an interesting Appaloosa Mare and she has two "points" against her... She is Appaloosa and a Mare. ha ha. But if life hasn't taught me one thing, my plans, my "I'd Never's" often get flipped upside down. ...and I'm just looking. It can't hurt.

    1. We found ourselves in the unfortunate position of having to get a new horse for my husband when he lost his mare (Windy's dam) unexpectedly. He told me he wanted another sorrel mare and that was enough for me to go looking. Surprised at how easy you would think a plain brown mare would be to find, but when you are looking to buy, suddenly you are very picky. I found Fancy and knew right away she was the one. I wanted one that I could ride, too, and she fit the bill. I don't know that I'll bond with her like I did Windy or Windy's dam for that matter, but she felt right when we found her. Good luck with your search and don't let spots or gender stop you if it feels right. :)

  5. Looks like a fantastic weekend of riding!
    We haven't had much good riding weather, usually one day of decent with 6 days of cold and wet. It's killing me and interfering with my riding time!!

  6. That looks so fun. I love your blog posts and photos. Don't ever stop!

    1. Ah, thanks. I enjoy writing the blog and reallyiss it when I am gone too long.

  7. I am thinking about quitting my blog. It seems like a lot of people are quitting or cutting back. My comments are decreasing. I keep wondering, what's the point if no one is reading? Are the ones who are commenting, commenting because they are the friends I made doing this? Not that I'll ever stop writing. Maybe I'll write for myself. Then I don't have to worry about editing so much. I don't know. I hope YOU keep blogging. Yours is one I go to because I like to read it, not just because I owe you a comment.


I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.