Jul 15, 2012

Power Poles & Horse Shoes




Madeline, my senior spring spaniel, woke me this morning around the time I normally get up.  She didn’t want to sleep in; it was time.  I only cussed her momentarily because when I swung out of bed I caught a glimpse of the sunrise that I would have missed had nature not been calling for Maddie.  I took a few shots with my iPhone Instagram app and although all the photos captured the magnificent colors, I liked everything about this particular picture above:  the notch in the top right hand corner is the porch roof, the “fort” pasture with fencing made of cedar tree trunks just under the power poles.   I caught a glimpse of the cottonwood tree to the left and the gravel road going down the hill kind of lights up.  I probably won’t go out and have this picture blown up and framed, but definitely Facebook-worthy.


My Facebook friends are so kind.  There were a lot of “likes” and many positive comments.  One person mentioned if I removed the power poles from the picture, it would “be a classic.”  I didn’t take that as a backhanded compliment because I agree, that in many cases, power poles can “pollute” a picture.    Believe me, there are times I am taking pictures that I am trying to avoid them or dumpsters or my big pet peeve, a picture taken with people around the table with half-eaten food and empty bottles.  (Shudders!)  But in this picture, the power poles didn’t bother me.  It captured what is the rural morning from my front porch. 




I looked back at those pictures for one taken this morning that did NOT include the power lines and it is shown above.  I didn’t notice until now that I caught the waning crescent moon at the top of the picture off to the right.  The sky is also brilliant; perhaps captured even more in this shot than the other.  And the highway lights up down yonder.  It’s a nice picture, too.  But I still like the first one better. 




This weekend, I had the horses shod for our upcoming trip.  I measured and ordered the Plastic Horseshoes (www.plastichorseshoes.com).  They are made of polyurethane and there is some flex to them.  I have been wanting to try them and granted, it may not have been the wisest choice to try something new right before vacation but sometimes I don’t think before I do. 




I had measured both Windy and Fancy’s feet as per the instructions.  But I really think it is hard to get a good size.  Dan, my farrier, chose the larger of the set for Windy but still had to cut a lot off.  It took him probably 3 times longer to put on than it would a traditional shoe – mainly just trying to get a good fit. 




I like that there is some give to them.  I like that they might provide a little more traction than metal shoes.  I like that they cover most of the sole of the foot but I do worry about dirt and mud packing up under it.  I also worry about her overreaching – there is nothing to prevent if from pulling other than the give to the plastic.  The nails seem a long way away from the back of the foot.   I really, really want to like these shoes.  I’ll let you know in a month if my worries were warranted.  (Note:  Windy does not have sufficient hoofwall to successfully wear shoes on the back.  I have her feet trimmed so that Easy Boot Gloves will fit her hind feet should I get in areas that I think she needs hoof protection.)




I forgot to take a picture of the bottom of the shoe until she had been back home in the corral for awhile.  But this gives you a pretty good idea.  We’ll see how it goes.




The plastic shoes I ordered for Fancy would not work.  She has a smaller hoof than Windy and although I ordered a size down, it was still not small enough.  So we just went with traditional shoeing for her.


Photo Jul 15, 9 11 50 AM


Spent today cleaning tack.  I love how it looks, feels and smells after a little (a lot) of elbow grease. 


No riding this weekend.  The heat wave returnth… 




  1. First time I`ve seen plastic shoes? The idea appeals to me, purely for the horses sake, at the moment, with this terribly wet weather, their feet are soft, shoes are not staying on as long. Plus when they are coming off, chunks of hoof wall is coming away also. ......Yes, that idea appeals?

  2. Love both pictures. I've heard of the plastic shoes but haven't tried them. Let us know how they worked out. Have fun on your ride.

  3. AKPonyGirl12:45 PM

    Summer has finally returned to Tundra Country just in time for our CTR. Temps in the upper 60s and blue skies. We are somewhat concerned about the horses overheating in this nice weather as they are not acclimated to it. You really need to come ride with me. You can ride the Alaska version of Baby!


I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.