Feb 22, 2013

Crying Wolf




Earlier this week, I went with my boss and our project team to Portland, Oregon for a short trip to visit one of our business partners.  Occasionally, when taking a larger group, we get to fly on our corporate jet.  No lines, connections or TSA; we can hit the west coast in a little over 3 hours.  With the time change, we left Nebraska at 6:00 AM  and started our meeting in Portland at 8:30 AM.  It’s the only way to fly. 




Our plane is a Falcon 50.  It seats 9 passengers; 10 if someone wants to ride in the cockpit with the pilots.  The galley is stocked for breakfast in the morning and lunches or dinner on the way home and yes, it does have a nice bathroom. 




Flying on a private jet gives me a total “rock star” feeling even though my job is far from rock star status.  It’s a great way to travel and makes me really hate commercial travel which is the way we go most often.




For the last week, the media has been all excited about a snow storm moving into our state.  There have been graphics on the news for days showing up to two feet of snow expected and our city as right in the bulls-eye of what looked like the storm of the season.  So much so that our corporate office was suggesting travelers return home early so they do not get stranded at other locations.   We left a few hours early but it was easy for us.  Others having to change commercial flights, not so much.  Lines were forming at the grocery stores; school was called off the next day, long before a snow flake fell from the sky.




We had a light dusting of snow the evening I got home but they kept pushing back the major blast.  I put blankets on the herd the next morning.  They were so frisky.  But still, not much was coming down.  We waited and waited and waited.    




Jim Cantore from the Weather Channel arrived in Lincoln to report on this major weather development.   Rumor has it, he rented a car and headed to Kansas City as there wasn’t much action here as what was predicted.  By late afternoon, this is all we had on the ground here at home. 


mccain prog _ snow 047


As you can see, not much more fell overnight.  By morning, it was all over.  What a disappointment!  To be fair, some areas in Nebraska had maybe up to a foot.  But no where near the moisture that was predicted. 


Granted, a few years ago we were crying “enough, already” when we got plummeted with two holiday storms in a row.  But today we would gladly take the inconvenience.  I have heard we need 80 inches of snowfall to even think about getting out of these drought conditions.  I guess we have 76 inches to go. 


Truly, I don’t know if the meteorologists can be this wrong or is it all about making the weather a media sensation these days?  




  1. Your pictures are just beautiful! Well, you're near my neck of the woods when you were in Portland. We're about an hour southwest in the northern Willamette Valley. Too bad you didn't come last week when we were having a false spring...this week, it's cold, wet and grey. Far more typical. I would have to agree about the weather (along with everything else) being overly sensationalized. Our weather guys usually have nothing of interest to report because we're always mild, mild, mild. So, nowadays (like today) when we get normal rain and wind, they call it a winter storm. Storm??? Really? Gusts up to 35 mph they say, batton down the hatches! So far, we're still waiting...

  2. I love Portland! Have traveled there quite a bit in the last 10 years. Will need to look at a map and see where you are. It was actually pretty nice while we were there (it's all relative, you know :) For lunch, we walked down to the water and then later on I walked around the city a bit just to get some exercise. Love the food and restaurants.

  3. We had much more snow up here than last year and very cold. We suffered a drought last summer and I am actually glad that the snow will help this year. Seems weird, but I wish you more snow. :-)

  4. Love the pictures! I find it hilarious that Cantore was here and the storm no-showed!

  5. We're going to have to move up north. Not much snow at all this year in Nashville. Would love to take a ride even in that little bit of snow you guys had. Beautiful pics!!


I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.