Apr 12, 2013

Duking It Out

My favorite Facebook post recently, referring to our weather, said (and I'm paraphrasing) that Spring and Winter were duking it out and Winter was kicking butt! We dropped about 50 degrees in one night and had about every weather event except a tornado! I slipped blankets back on the mares to combat their shivering. They've been getting fed in the barn in the evenings. The corral is once again a muddy mess.

On the flip side, we need moisture in any way we can get it! We did some over seeding in the pasture where it was damaged by last season's drought. It was risky since its been so dry and we don't have any way to irrigate it but if we didn't do it, weeds would find there way to those places. So hopefully this moisture will help stimulate the new seed.

Crazier yet, we are planning on camping next weekend. Hello! Sure didn't think we would be planning it around snow!

This is the first time I have posted from the iPad. If it looks funny, I'll fix it later.


  1. Looks good to me.

    And so does the post.



  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It is looking good here too. So posting from Ipad is good.
    Ironicly I have been formulating min my mind a post very similar to yours. We just reseeded our side pasture which was wiped out from last years drought. After we aerated, and seeded and fertilized, we harrowed over it to keep the seed down. As soon as we were done the wind picked up. So perhaps our seed is now in your pasture! LOL We have pretty much had non-stop wet for the last week, and have another week to go. It is killing my riding time, but yesterday part of my pasture was a foot under water and that is always a good thing!

  4. Hah, they are duking it out! Even here in hot land Texas winter seems to be pulling more weight than normal :)

  5. This spring sure takes the cake for transitional weather weirdness. We had the same temp nosedive that you guys got, but less accumulation, I think. Definitely less ice, at least from the looks of the storm track. Hope you're getting a warm-up!

  6. Our weather took a nose dive today, temps dropping, driving wind & cold rain. Looking more like January than mid-April!


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