Jan 12, 2014

Leader of the Pack


UPDATE:  The Winner is:  Janet’s Bichon’s.

Behind every horsewoman there is a good dog – or in some cases, a pack of dogs.  Our photo challenge was to photograph the dogs together in “family picture” style.  Let me tell you, the out-takes that were posted on Facebook were just as fun as seeing the finished product.  Many of these dogs I know personally and because of that, I know this was no easy task!  Mine included!

Please see the right hand column of this page and vote on your favorite pack.  No criteria - People's Choice.  I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I did. 


^Ann’s Harley:  “Harley is the most 'talkative' dogs we've ever had. He'll carry on the craziest dog sounds and whimpers.”  Harley is Saint/Burmese X.


^Arlyce’s Schnoodle:  “This is our one & only dog--and she really belongs to our daughter. Koko is a 4 year old mini Schnoodle & she runs the household!! Just like our daughter did when she lived here.”


^Brenda’s “High Energy Sadie” who was eyeing a squeaky cat toy for this picture.


^Cassie’s Jezebel and Annie. Jezebel is the newest addition as of Wednesday night.  They look like a matched set. 


^Janet’s Bichon’s.  Janet says this is what greets her everyday when she pulls into the carport. 


^Jessica’s Sadie, a goldendoodle.  Jessica says, “Hybrid vigor really sets in, she is huge!!  Much larger than Pip and most of the goldens I've been around.”


^Joni’s Lucy, George & Cami waiting to see which one gets the beef stick Joni was holding for their attention. 


^Jonni’s Mardi & Andie.  Just in case you are looking for a catahoula, Mardi is not one! 


^Jule’s Border Collies:  See a resemblance to Gene Simmons?  And just where is their sister Nellie?


^Kathy’s Hank.  When Kathy fell and couldn’t get it, it was Hank to the rescue!  He brought her his stuffed toy!


^Leigh’s Coco:  She said to caption this “I'm too old, tired, and fat to pose for a picture.”


^Mary’s Sadie, Cora and Buzz.  Cora is a new girl just joined Mary from Aussie rescue. 


^Tammy A’s Tipper and Zip.  She says they are always ready for a walk or go for a truck ride!  They must have been promised one to sit for this picture.


^Sharron’s Oodles of Poodles.  Getting them to pose for this picture was a work or art in itself!  Sharron assures us no poodles were harmed in this endeavor. 


^Sheila’s Chessa and Grandpup, Ein.  Sheila says, “Show me your tongue." See how obedient they are?”


^Sue’s Border Collie Patty who Sue says is able to focus FORVER.  Oh how we wish it were true with some of our dogs! 


^Tammy V:  Here is my pack.  Nahla, Pip and Bo.  It started out with Nahla and Bo sitting very nice, but the clown in the middle couldn’t get her act together.  Nahla and Bo soon tired of the game. 


^Terri’s menagerie and they are even dressed for the occasion!


^Anita’s “Rosie the ridgeless Ridgeback 8 yrs and Max 1 yr. our sons Lab that is living with us for awhile.”

This was a lot of fun – not only seeing the pictures but hearing the stories of our favorite hound dogs.  Please take a moment to vote for your favorite & comments below are always welcome. 


1 comment:

  1. Aw, all the dogs are so cute. I don't always comment on all your posts because it takes so long, but I usually scroll down to see what I missed.

    Like the one when you were in OKC. I can't believe it's been 20 years since the bombing!


I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.