Aug 5, 2011

Trailer Project

While the heat kept me pretty much trapped inside the last couple of weeks, I finally figured out something horse related I could do until the weather broke.  I had a little trailer project in mind.


You may recall it was almost a year ago when I sold my big 4-horse Titan trailer and downsized to a 2-horse Sundowner.  Has it worked out okay?  Yes, most definitely.  Being that it is a straight load trailer, I really feel like I have more room in the living quarters than in my old trailer.  And on only a couple of occasions have I needed more than 2 stalls and the destinations were close enough that we just loaded the 3rd horse in our bumper pull trailer and took two rigs. 

trailer 003

My bumper pull trailer, which was most used for day rides in the past, now sits with weeds growing around it.  I think it’s new purpose is that of a winter trailer; my smaller gooseneck is just so handy.

trailer 026

Other than move in, I hadn’t really changed anything in the living quarters, but did find that I most definitely missed having a 3-way refrigerator.  We go through way too much ice on long weekends.  I’ve made an appointment with an RV carpenter to install a refrigerator next week.  He will also do some other minor repairs which I have not been able to do myself or convince John that it is really important. 

I know its only a horse trailer, but it really bothered me that the windows only had mini-blinds but weren’t really finished.  After touring my friend’s new 4-Star trailer (OMG – such luxury!), I got an idea of how to finish my windows.  Thus the shopping trip last weekend with my horse friend.

We bought finished oak boards and upholstery tacks at Menards and then ventured over to Hobby Lobby for some leather type material.  But everything we found brought a more masculine look to the trailer.  Finally, we settled on something lighter; more conducive to the colors already in the trailer.

case 119

case 122

case 124

Now my good friends know that I am not a crafty person.  But if I put my mind to something, I can usually get it done.  This one ended up being really simple.  With a little foam board, duct tape (is that legal in a craft project?), and a hammer, it went together pretty fast.  I talked John into making the corners for me and installing it.  And ta-da – finished window treatments. 

The Before & Afters

bb 031

bb 042

bb 027

bb 032

trailer 028

trailer 015


Most of the time, I am camping with other women.  We have had a fun time fixing up our trailers and it is pretty incredible to see some of the great ideas everyone has had with personalizing their own space. 


  1. C`mon over! I got my trailer out and it needs an overhaul!Lol.....Your trailer is lovely, our roads here are way to small for these big rigs.

  2. That is really nice. I couldn't quite see the pics on HT's, as they only came up as little pics. The wooden frame really does finish off the window! great colors too!

  3. Wanna do mine next? Wow - sharp, classy and crafty and it utilizes duct tape - can't get much better than that!

  4. How clever, it's amazing how just a little touch like that really makes it look homey. Nice work!


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