Jul 12, 2009

Sunday Stills

Sunday Stills is a place to hone your photography skills. Each week Ed issues a new “Challenge” that gives us the opportunity to pick up what ever kind of camera we own and try to meet the challenge. This week's challenge was "textures". So once again, keeping my blog horse related, I ventured to the barn with camera in hand.

Yeah, I had a bad day yesterday. Things have been building up slowly and then the ruination of my 7- year- old washing machine was the icing on the cake. My friend Cindy called about the time I was teetering on the edge and, bless her heart, had a Maytag in their shed that they weren't using – I just needed to pick it up. Amazing how a major appliance can cause such grief and happiness all in one day. Cindy obviously wasn't expecting a major meltdown when she called me yesterday and really came through for me. I am grateful to have such a good, caring friend. I owe you one, girlfriend.

John hustled up a few leads that look promising. Unfortunately, he’ll have to hit the road again, but at least the work is there for now and hopefully this project he’s been yo-yo’d on for so long will come to fruition by the end of the summer. And if not, he'll continue to move on. You do what you have to do.

This blog is scheduled to appear Sunday morning. Right now, my trailer is packed and ready to go. I’m going camping with my "bestest horse" and my girlfriends. I’m back among the living!


  1. Very nice shots..:-)

  2. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Nice shots. Glad you got a washer, can't imagine being without out one. But, what if you don't have water?? We sprung a major leak last night, so no water today. DH has to crawl under the house and make the repair. :(

  3. I'm glad you got another washer so quickly. It's crazy how dependent we are on our appliances.
    My refrigerator wore out a few weeks ago. It was 25 years old! I opted for a fixed up older one that I hope will last me a few more years. I have a very small area in the kitchen and a newer one wouldn't fit. Plus, the $$, or lack of, was a key factor.

  4. Anonymous8:39 AM

    these are great :)

  5. Great captures of the horsie textures.
    Have a great time camping with friends and horses. I wish I could go, too....


  6. Great shots! Very pretty mane!

  7. Wow, beautiful shiny texture. Love it.

  8. All are very nice. I think the alfalfa looks very textural! Glad you got a new washer.

  9. The horse hair is the best!


I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.