Jul 23, 2009

One Week & One Thousand Hours

Peace and quiet. I am not afforded this luxury very darn often! The boys are at camp and John is working out of town and I have the whole place to myself! Here are the highlights:

  • Supper has mostly consisted of a bowl of cereal or salsa & chips. But last night I walked on the wild side and had a late night dinner at the Cracker Barrel after our ride and didn't get home until midnight!
  • The only light on in the house is the room that I am in.
  • The television hasn’t been turned on in several days.
  • I hid from the Schwan’s man so I didn’t have to tell him “no ice cream”.
  • I can hear the locusts.
  • I’ve rode my horse almost 6 hours in 2 days. I have scared her off!
  • Ritz is the best guard dog in the world!

I lack that maternal gene that drives some mothers crazy with worry when their children are away. Case in point: I remembered sometime between the first and second snooze alarm this morning that I’m pretty sure McCain forgot his hoodie. And although I hoped he wasn't too cold, I yawned, hit the snooze button and went back to sleep with the peace of knowing he learned a life lesson: Pack your own bag!

I bet Case was thinking his camp was going to be all fun, friends and games. I neglected to mention that when asked to bring a cassock and a rosary and that a “Bible will be provided”, there is no doubt that a little religion will be on the agenda! (Evil grin!)

Okay, I miss the little devils… but not until tomorrow.

Yesterday was a milestone day for me. While riding with the Platte River Riders, at exactly 7:30 PM, I marked the 1,000th hour in the saddle since I joined the Trail Time riding program in 2006. Combined with the AQHA hours logged prior to Trail Time, I’ve ridden 1,464 hours which equates to over 4,300 miles. Shhh! Don’t tell John. It will only confirm what he already knows. “You spend too much time with those horses!”


  1. You can never spend too much time with horses! Congratulations on reaching 1,000 hours.

  2. Congratulations on a fantastic accomplishment!! 1000 hours!!! Very cool.

  3. I'm sooooo jealous of your peace and quiet and solitude.

    Congrats on your 1,0000 hours. I can't even fathom that!

  4. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Congratulations on,
    first a weekend alone. Those are nice.

    And 2nd on your 1000 hours! I recently complete the 5000 hours for AQHA and got my belt buckle. They put your name on it! So cool. I hope you win that in the near future as well!!!


I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.