Apr 25, 2010

Sunday Stills ~ Barns

Those of us participating in Sunday Stills were asked this week to photograph a barn or barns. Living in rural Nebraska, that is not a stretch for me. I have one outside my door. These photos are of our barn.

And just to add some variety, you might recall we just came out of the winter from hell. There were some shots of the same barn just a few mere months ago.

Although the snow makes for a pretty backdrop and interesting pictures, I do not want to go back in time.

Brrr! What a nightmare.


  1. Great pictures of your barn. Glad that winter shot is just a memory now.

  2. I love the first one in with the snow. Makes for a very interesting picture, but I agree, let's leave the snow in the past for now. :)

  3. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I loved the snowy shots the best, Very pretty. :)

  4. Anonymous7:02 AM

    these are lovely, the sky is so blue & then BAM it's snowing :D

  5. Beautiful shots, but I have to say it looks like you live in a pretty out of the way place. Love it.

  6. Oh, I love that snowy red barn photo! Great one!

  7. That is a true barn: big, red, and it has character!

  8. My kinda country! Hell I would kill for a winter like that!

    The last few have been pretty mediocre, and warm, the most we get is about 2-3 weeks of -5 or so. Still i enjoyed the pics!

  9. The angle of these shots make the barn appear to really loom over you. Nice job.

  10. All nice pics. The last one is my favorite even though I am no fan of snow.

  11. brrr, that one shot makes life look so barren around here! I love the shot of the side of the barn with snow on it!

    The barns that I took pictures of our just south of me. I can't believe how many old barns are falling down around here!

    I can't wait to see pics of your other buildings!

  12. Great shots, love the last two with the snow.:-)

  13. LOVE your barn, Tammy!
    It has such wonderful bones and character!

  14. That last shot is awesome..I like it the best even if it is cold looking! :)


I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.