Apr 25, 2010

Thank You / Other Blogs

This is so cool! Sunny in SD bestowed upon me this blogging award. Thank you, thank you! Being her neighbor down under (statewise, that is), I’ve enjoyed following Sunny in SD’s blog as we went through the longest winter in history together. Although I have been blogging on the Stable Talk page of my Horsetrailriders.com website for years, before I ever knew what the word “blog” meant, I kind of feel like the new kid on the block in the bigger blogosphere.

By accepting this award, I am to pass it on by recognizing fifteen of my favorite blogs. I am also to provide some items of interest about myself that I may not have previously shared with you. But, I never play by the rules. I know I should and I try… but there are always caveats I need to make.

First, there are more than fifteen blogs that I follow; some daily, others when I have more time. Many of which we are all familiar with because of their popularity. But there are some that may not be in all circles or that are special in other ways so I thought this would give me an opportunity to tip my hat to those bloggers. Whether they want to pass it on to others or not is up to them. Now, I would like to share them with you.

Val at Fantastyk Voyage. When I was planning the Friday Before Mother’s Day Ride last year, Val left a comment about how fun this ride sounds. I told her to find her way up from New Mexico and I would share my horses. And you know what? She did! It was so fun to meet Val, her mother and her daughter, Sheila, and share my crazy horses with them! Someday I am going to show up in her neck of the woods, just you wait!

Mindee at Our Front Door probably thinks I am recognizing her because she just recognized me. Purely coincidence, my friend! I think Mindee stumbled onto my blog first and left a comment and I’ve been reading hers ever since. She has a horse crazy daughter (which is one tie that binds us) and our respective diets (she is better about it than I am) and the challenges of raising teenagers (they are going to kill us both)! But it is her wonderful sense of humor translated into the written word that keeps me coming back each day.

Trot on Hank: Jonni was one of my inspirations when I started distance riding last year. She brought her horse, Hank, back from surgery to not only compete again, but to win. I am in awe of her knowledge of the sport and her discipline to achieving her goals while making sure her horse’s health was the first priority. As I followed her travels last year, I admired her independence and strengths both as a woman and horsewoman.

Debi at Greener Pastures: What can I say? She makes me laugh out loud. A very witty writer who recently took us along as she recanted her search for the perfect horse (again and again). And most recently, laughing and crying with her as she attempts to quit smoking. Debi is also tackling a personal crisis with her mother’s illness and I think of her often and hope she is doing okay.

Maery Rose is a Cowgirl By Proxy. When I first stumbled across her blog, I could feel her heartbreak. But as months passed, Maery, with her dog, Java, has picked up the pieces and moved on. She shares her love of her dog, her horses, and her new life with us. I can’t help but think if she lived nearby, she would fit in nicely with my circle of horse friends.

The Barbed Wire: I found Tamara of In the Night Farm’s blog shortly after she posted about an accident she had with the neighbor’s dog. The reality is that could happen to any of us who ride alone. I checked back often to see if she was riding again and followed her through her recovery and the first 50 miler on Consolation. She sets a wonderful example of not only keeping her horse, but herself fit for riding. Another inspiration.

I knew "Lulu" of All Things Horse through my list serv, Horsetales. We lost touch for about a year on Horsetales but I found her blog and kept up with the progress of her and Violet. It’s been a pleasure to see her beautiful filly become what she is today and glad to be back in touch with Lulu. And she said she will teach me Showmanship!

And not to confuse the two, Kacy with All Horse Stuff gets out and trail rides for pleasure more than I do! It’s a good thing we don’t live near each other or we would never get any work done. We’d just ride, ride, ride. I enjoy not only reading about her rides but the photos she shares of her gorgeous trails. And she rides the prettiest bay horse in Oregon!

And finally, I'd like to promote a new blogger and animal photographer, Sarah Zemunski and her Fine Arts Animal Portaits! Perhaps Windy can be her first equine subject! (May you take Lincoln by storm, Sarah!) Be sure to check out her portfolio at on her website here.

Thanks to all of you for sharing a piece of your life with me. And if you haven't checked out their blogs, take a peek. You won't be disappointed.

Okay, now a few things about myself that you may not know…

1. I am an orphan. Isn't that what you call a child with no dad or mom? It doesn't matter that I was 32 & 44 years old respectively when I lost them or how old or young you are. It still sucks. I am a middle child. I have an older sister and a younger brother. My dad was chief of police in our little hometown for over 30 years. My mom was a laundress at the nursing home. My dad was previously married when stationed in Australia and I have two half-brothers who still live in Australia. When dad was dying, they came to Nebraska and we met for the first time. It was like we knew each other all of our lives.

2. My maternal grandfather, Frederick Hornbussel, came from Germany when he was 18 years old and settled in Nebraska. He spoke no English but learned the language. Although my mom was born in the United States, she spoke little English early on, but as she got older, never had so much as a German accent nor did she remember any German words. A true example of the desire to be an American in every sense of the word.

3. I met my future husband at a street dance in Touhy, Nebraska. Someone pinched me on the butt and I turned to toss my Coke at the culprit and missed and hit John instead. John is very shy and I am sure we would not have met had my aim been better.

4. I thought perhaps I could be a vet when I grew up because of my love of animals (never mind the fact that I sucked at science and biology)! During a career week in high school, I shadowed the local vet. I had to sit down and put my head between my legs to keep from passing out when they dehorned the cattle. While watching a dog spayed, I sank to the floor in a cold sweat once again. If I wanted to work in a vet office, cleaning kennels would be my best bet.

5. Ten years ago, I was reading the Sunday paper and saw a For Sale ad for a pony. I told John that we should get the boys a pony. That afternoon, we went out and looked at the pony but didn’t buy it. Instead we came home with Ginger (a quarter horse, then 3-year old) and Baby (who was a belgian weanling) and the rest is history.


  1. Wow! Really well done Tammy! Now I know more about you.

  2. Somehow I missed this. Thanks for the kind words Tammy. :)

    International half-siblings? How cool is that?

  3. Thank you for the award! I am deeply honored.

    I am so glad we met up last year. You were so wonderful to lend my daughter and I (complete strangers!) your horses for the Mother's Day trail ride. We thoroughly enjoyed it. I was really impressed at how well organized it was. I hope your ride this year runs as smoothly.

    You are always welcome here. If you decide to travel to Colorado for a trail ride, maybe we can meet up midway.

    That's all very interesting about you. Thanks for sharing.


I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.