Apr 23, 2010

A View from Below

The other day
I meandered out to the corral
I didn’t plan to ride
Just hang out for a bit

I plopped down on the edge of the bale feeder
And leaned back in the hay
Harvested last summer
It still smells so fresh

I though perhaps I could nap for a bit
But it wasn’t long before I was spotted
Blue was a little unsure of the situation
But that is just Blue

It must have been lunch or snack time
Because they all started eating around me
Kind of a fascinating view
From below

I remembered then
That I had my camera in my pocket
So snapped a few shots
With this blog in mind.

Eventually each of the horses
Made their way around the bale
To get a closer look
At what I was doing

I didn’t get a nap like I had hoped
But horse time
Just doesn’t get any better
Than this.


  1. Great shots from 'down under', they're so nosy and so cute. Which one took the picture of you?

  2. Brill! Loved the piccies.

  3. In a week with not a lot to smile about, this post did. :) Thanks!

  4. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Love it - the picture of you and the mouth with hay! Thanks!

  5. It sure doesn't get any better!

  6. Right on, sister!

    Since I've come back from my ACTHA ride, I've just been spending non-ride time with my horse and I've enjoyed it so much...and I think she has, too.
    I seriously doubt that anyone has ever just hung out with her, with no expectations on her for riding. When I first started just hanging out, like you, sprawled out while she munched hay, she would eye me suspiciously. When I would walk over to her and start petting her, she would step away, as if she was thinking, "Aha!, I knew it! She was just waiting to pounce on me to get me saddled up!".
    But wow! The sigh of relief and the softening of the eyes she gave after she realized I was just there to hang out and do nothing at all....but give her cookies, scratch her neck, and watch her eat. lol!

    I loved your photos. I love the view from below, too. :)



I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.