Dec 3, 2011

BFLWM – 1 TV – 0

RItz First snow


The Big Fat Lying Weatherman won this first round.  We got snow!  And it probably warranted the “Weather Alert Day” title.  I’d guess we got a little over 4” of the heavy, wet stuff.  When we went to Lincoln later this afternoon, it was slushy but pretty easy travel.  However, on the way home, the wind had picked up and there was drifting across the roads.  Glad the boys aren’t out and about anywhere tonight.  I’ll sleep well.  


The first notable snow:  Winter is officially here.  One day down, three months to go.


  1. Oh no, that stinks. Hope it doesn't move our way.

  2. Only 3 months. You're very optimistic today Ms. Tammy. :) I suppose we can be though, considering last year at this time we'd already endured a month of it.

  3. I can see blue sky this morning, but not supposed to last - more snow predicted (18" and counting). Our guys won't come IN out of the snow! Barely out of single digits this morning, but twice what we had when we went to bed. Will gladly trade you our 6 mo. of winter for your hopeful 3! LOL Is your dog chasing falling snow? How funny.
    Bionic Cowgirl

  4. We got snow today! it didnt stay.

  5. Eighteen inches? Nooooo! Reminiscent of the Blizzard of 2009 and I about turned into a version of Jack Nicholson while snowed in!

    Mindee - I don't let winter have March. I'll claim that one for me since its my birthday month and daylight saving time starts again... but it can be a crapshoot, just like November...


I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.