Dec 3, 2011

Tempting Fate & Other Thoughts

Photo Dec 03, 7 38 33 AM

7:38 AM

Photo Dec 03, 8 28 19 AM

8:40 AM


Photo Dec 03, 11 26 16 AM

11:30 AM


I know you all are worried about me shaking my fist at Mother Nature or at least the BFLWM.  But we’re still fine.  A little moisture in the air, but its 32 degrees, so not much is sticking; just a dusting, we like to call it.  (Update:  more is sticking, but there is now wind.  Just wet snow.  About an inch or so right now.)




I thought the snow might stay south of Lincoln, but looks like it is north; Lincoln is just getting rain.  I live in the pink area right above Lincoln. 


Photo Dec 03, 8 17 50 AM


You may or may not remember that late last winter, I started stripping wallpaper in the kitchen in preparation for McCain’s graduation this coming spring.  (I plan ahead, far ahead!)   It seems weddings, anniversaries and graduations are typical reasons for remodeling the house!  Well, we got it stripped and that was about it.  We were heading into spring and I am lucky dishes get done once the nice weather comes!  The remodel will consist of new flooring, light fixtures and countertops; perhaps new hardware on the cupboards.  So we begin again.


Photo Dec 03, 8 18 58 AM


John brought his crew in the last few days and they worked on cleaning the wallpaper glue off the walls.  Last night John started to put a skim coat of drywall over the areas where we stripped a little too much wallpaper.  It won’t be an overnight project but a winter one. 


Photo Dec 03, 8 18 37 AM


The above pictures are “in progress” shots.  As you can see, the construction equipment has moved in.  Not everyone has a table saw in their kitchen! 


BB and NEW MARE 012


John has also been working on the ugly building that is to become a tack shed someday.  I don’t know if that will ever happen, but someday, I’ll take some updated pictures.  It still isn’t pretty but there has been progress.  I try to avoid pictures of it because it is so pitiful, but you can see a bit of it to the left of Windy in the picture above.  Someday it will come together… tick, tock, tick, tock…  We have lots of goals by graduation!


On an unrelated subject, I have not figured out the iCloud technology yet on my iPhone.  I need to watch the video.  But my friend, Joni, told me about the Dropbox app for iPhones and I use that all the time with my iPhone pictures.  You just take a picture with your iPhone, open the Dropbox app and upload any of the pictures you want to save to your computer and ta-da!  In moments you will find them in a folder on your hard drive.  Not at your own desk?  You can also get them from the web, too.  Just pretty darn cool!


Photo Dec 03, 8 38 46 AM


I don’t know about the rest of you, but technology just fascinates me and scares the bejeezes out of me!  It moves so fast that I surely don’t know all that I am missing. 


Photo Dec 03, 9 09 22 AM


When I lost my GPS at the last ride, I still wanted to keep track of my time and mileage, so I remembered Mikey had mentioned MyTracks app and within seconds, I had it on my phone and still could record our ride that day.  When traveling, I have an app called Urban Spoon which will find nearby restaurants and provide ratings by actual users.  Solitaire got me through a particularly long holiday get-together. 


What are some of your favorite apps?


Photo Nov 24, 5 06 07 PM


In case you haven’t figured it out, we are heading into non-horse season and I am finding it terribly difficult to have anything horse related to contribute.  So I hope you hang with me on the weather rants, remodeling and other life-in-general posts that I’ll put together to get me through winter.  Maybe I’ll even figure out iCloud technology in my down time.  But I promise, horse posts when I got ‘em!


  1. You can count me out of the technology loop. I don't even have an iphone. Still trying to figure out simple computer skills.

    During the winter there usually isn't much horse stuff to contribute but we all hang in there hoping something will come up that's interesting.

    Good luck on your kitchen remodel, I'm sure it will be beautiful when done, as will the new tack room...someday.

  2. I`m about to get a new smart phone. Cant decide which one!!! Iphone 4/4s
    or the Galaxy, the new one. Any ideas?

  3. Hope your snow hasn't gotten too much deeper. We still don't have any up here - it keeps splitting off and going to either side of us. And I'm okay with that :)

    Thanks for the suggestion re. toweling after riding inside. I'm ashamed to say that hadn't occurred to me!

  4. You're pretty techie. I'm far far behind on technology. I don't text, nor do I do apps. My phone is over 4 years old and it's just used for quick important calls.
    Most of the time I even forget to take it with me. lol!

    Sounds like a lot projects planned. Why do you only plan to do them before major family events. Do you have parties or celebrations at your house and want to get the house ready?


  5. You know Lisa? Its kind of like washing the car for a funeral. It has to look nice. Our kitchen hasn't had anything done to it for about 16 years, so it is time. So like with anything, set a goal to have it done by x. X would be McCain's graduation. It gives us a few months to work on it and an end date in site.


I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.