Dec 1, 2011

I Got Nuthin’


Photo Nov 30, 7 22 56 AM


Twas the first of December and all through the house;

Not a creature was stirring ….

Not even any dog farts.


Photo Nov 30, 5 22 24 PM


I just say that because the kids are both out, the dogs are quietly laying at my feet, John is watching television downstairs, the dishes are done and laundry can wait.  I could be blogging but I have absolutely nothing to blog about.  I could be doing Jillian workout, but not yet.


I looked through pictures; sometimes that inspires me. 


Nothing there.


Photo Nov 13, 7 05 12 AM


But the lack of inspiration does give me an excuse to share some wonderful sunrise and sunset photos I have taken from the car going to and from work this week.  Not with my bridge camera; just the iPhone.  Talk about artwork from God!


Photo Nov 30, 6 51 49 AM


So back to it being the first of December… I have done nothing toward Christmas shopping beside one gift I picked up awhile back just because.  I have no motivation toward it.  I have to be in Florida next week and Texas the following week, so I am really feeling the crunch.  And when I get stressed about shopping, I shut down.  I’ll pin the boys down this weekend; have them make a list and hopefully I can extract some reasonable items from those lists.  For some reason the boys have mistaken the Christmas tree for a money tree. 


Photo Nov 30, 7 17 34 AM


I have been perusing the cyber ads and found a lot of things that I would like to have for Christmas.  I am the easiest person in the world to buy for!  I want what many horse women want:  warm riding gloves, a new ear band, maybe some Mountain Horse outerwear or those big rubber winter boots.  Perhaps a down vest or a fleece saddle seat cover.  If they were really thinking, they would have told me to hold off buying a new GPS.  Maybe they’ll read this blog before they hit Walmart on December 24th & 1/2. 


Photo Nov 30, 7 16 16 AM


I’d like to ride a bit tomorrow.  Last day we’ll see temps in the forties for some time, they say.




  1. I've got nothing either. Unless you want to count dog farts. They're gassing me right now. Time for them to go out soon.

    Beautiful pictures though. Hope you get a ride in tomorrow and over the weekend some shopping done. Good luck.

  2. Many times I've thought that it would just be so easy to put cash under the tree, but it seems so wrong . . . Dangit.

  3. My boys, now that they are almost 15, are much more into getting cash than gifts. They are very specific on their wants and it's a hassle to hunt the stuff down, so I think cash is going to be just perfect, wrapped up in a bow under the tree. :)

    And yeah, what is it with dog farts? This tiny, little 6 lb chihuahua is just as stinky as my own husband!


  4. Know nothing about gas-passing this 16 lb cat we adopted she packs a walloping stench.

    Those are works of art T . My phone takes nice pics too I use it lately a bit more than my " bridge" camera.
    Yea....I'm a bit laid back-put off this year for spending. Christmas will have to be more the present ( s)of presence and good will. It means more that way.

    I'm keeping the stable's limit ( we exchange gifts for under $ 20) in mind for many...gotta get totally creative that way.
    Family is a tough crowd though...if you overspent in past they expect.

    I've taken to circling my horse item "wishes", in my catalogs.Winter -waterproof gloves are on that list.

    You looking for a seat sheepskin for Western or English?


I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.