Jan 29, 2010

I Feel Good!

It started out a very cold four degrees this morning. Sunny, but did I mention it was FOUR degrees? I work at home on Friday mornings and because it was FOUR degrees, slipped on my fleece riding pants and a sweatshirt. That's the cool thing about working at home - no dress code.

I usually get off at noon on Friday but had some things to finish up and before I knew it, it was 2:30. The weather bug on my computer finally hit 20 degrees. A heat wave! There was no wind. The sun was still shining. I put on another layer of clothes and headed for the barn.

After slipping off her blanket, I turned Windy loose in the arena to let her run or roll or both. Half the arena is snow packed, the other have frozen and dry. She did her best Arabian imitation; her tail flagged as she snorted and pranced. All I could think of was, "there is no way I can have her ready for Expo in six weeks". Ah, but I'll save that worry for another day.

I snapped the lead on and tied her to the hitching post. After a quick brushing, I saddled my mare and together with the dogs, we took off down our country road for a quick five mile ride. Putting on those fleece riding pants this morning must have been a good sign. It felt good to be back in the saddle again.


  1. Oh brr...4 degrees! I'm glad it got "warm" enough (if you can call it that) to go for a ride. I love Windy's Arabian impersonation! So pretty! :)

  2. Doesn't she look pretty!! Brrr, I don't think I could have gone out there and saddled up in that cold. Good for you!

  3. Even though it was cold, looks like the sun was out and a great day for a ride!!

  4. I'll wait until it gets a little warmer. It was like 15 below with wind chill factors. We really aren't to see warmer weather for the next week at least. You have fun.

  5. Four degrees?! You are an incredible inspiration! Great pictures!

  6. Yay! I'm so happy for you. And you're right - 20 is starting to feel comfortable.

  7. 4 degrees....... Way too cold for me. Glad you had fleece.

  8. She doesn't feel the cold, or the run warms her up?

  9. You ARE dedicated! I better get it together here!

  10. Glad to see you're getting out there. I like that picture of the horse's shadow, too. I'm not sure what a horse's shadow says about winter, but it sure is nice to have the sunshine.

  11. Yay you! You gotta start somewhere, right? You'll be ready in time. I just know it!


    Your comment you left me today makes me think you must have missed a very important post. I sold Baby Doll almost 3 weeks ago.

    You can read about it with the link below:


  12. Oh my - she does look like an Arab (in a good way!) with that tail flagged. Congrats on getting out and riding. I looked longingly at a couple of backs this weekend, but didn't haul my butt off the ground. Good for you!


I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.