Jan 16, 2010

More Lucky Shots

As I go through pictures, I really kick myself for not having them developed. (Is "developed" still the right word for digital photos?) I am going to have to make it a point of having them printed. I do have my pictures on this hard drive and an external one; learned that lesson when I lost all of 2007! But when my kids are grown, will we really all gather around the computer and look at pictures? Probably not.

My next set of Lucky Shots are favorites I have taken of Windy. I have more pictures of her than I do of my kids, so I am not surprised a few turned out worthy of being printed some day.

The photo above was taken while she was at the trainer last spring. Brenda was working on getting her to have a more collected lope. Windy doesn't appreciate collection in the least. It's been a struggle for both her and me and I am probably still too lax about asking her for collection. What I liked about this picture is the look on her face and her tail. It says it all. She is not a happy camper, but is trying to oblige.

This picture is my "for sale" picture. No, dah! She is not for sale. But if she were, this would make a great shot for an online classified. This was a morning shot taken at Rock Creek Station the last week in September. I thought the trees behind her were so pretty. Her look is familiar as she always perks up when I call her name.

An interesting angle. John and I were out riding our roads last spring. Although we hadn't opened up our pastures yet for the horses, the ditches along the road were greening up. We stopped so the horses could get a taste of it. I was sitting down next to her and something in the distance caught her attention. She looked up and I snapped the picture.

I'd been out taking some pictures in the pasture. I don't think Windy realized I was there until this moment. Again, her ears perked up and she started coming my way. I just liked everything in this picture. If you look closely, it was the change of seasons. Some of the grass is starting to dry up and the leaves are turning. In other shots, you can tell the horses coat is getting thick and more vibrant in color, as well.

South Dakota. Deerfield Lake. The water, the sky, the horses. We were in paradise that day. I love the look in her eye as she watches a boat on the water. She had raised her head from grazing; you can see the grass still in her mouth. In the larger picture size, her mane is so black, it almost has a blue hue to it. One of my favorite picture!

I've always liked this picture, too. It was taken in the spring as the grass was starting to green up. The sun was going down. I think Windy was just 4 or 5 in this picture. She was starting to fill out, looking more like a horse than one just coming of age.

And finally, this one was just a fun shot. I really don't think she is eating the crab apples; perhaps just had her face in the tree to scratch it.

The sun is shining on my back as I type this post. It is suppose to be almost 40 degrees today! As I look out the window, I still see nothing but a blanket of snow. But hopefully, the little break in temperature will start the meltdown! I might even catch some saddle time!

No Sunday Stills for me this week. We are doing a little updating in our house & the office has been temporarily disassembled. Hope to be back on task next week!


  1. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Really lovely photos! And Windy is very pretty - but then I'm partial to bays - I have 3!

  2. Windy is such a nice looking horse that it's hard to take bad pictures of her. Your lucky shots are getting to be so numerous that I would vernture to say there's quite a bit of skill involved there too. Keep on posting the photos- I'm enjoying them.

  3. That is one well photographed horse. Of course, with such a pretty subject, how can you resist?

  4. All beautiful pictures of a gorgeous girl. I love the one at the lake too, what colors.

    Hope you catch a ride this weekend. I just did today for the first time in a month, it was great!

  5. Those are lovely photos. She is very photogenic and you capture her well!
    This cracked me up: "What I liked about this picture is the look on her face and her tail. It says it all. She is not a happy camper, but is trying to oblige." That is SO my horse, every time I ride him! Like asking him to lope or give to the bit is just ruining his day! ;)
    I agree about the for sale picture. Often, people post the worst photos of their horse on sale sites. I think the photos are so important. I think it's great that you are printing more digital pictures. I need too, as well. Most of mine are online only! I want to start a portfolio of my favorite pictures.

  6. Honestly, I like this better than Sunday Stills!

    I don't have many printed digital pictures either. I have my favorites backed up to Flickr, and on an external drive, and it's way easier for me to look at them on the computer. I think that's just me, though - I'd rather look at them on the computer!

    Your picture in South Dakota reminded me of this one of Champ in Como, Mississippi. :)

  7. Funder - I checked out your pic on Flickr. Yes, the shot is very similar - down to the blue sky! Nice shot, too.

    PG - yes, a nice collected lope is not her favorite thing. I am so envious when people have horses that just give so perfectly. But she's "purdy", so I forgive her! LOL.

    Thanks for all you compliments. She is my favorite subject, for sure!

  8. Darn, I was hoping that one really was a "for sale" picture! She's so pretty, I'd have to break my rule of traveling no further than two hours to go look at a horse!

    Since I decided to reward myself for quitting smoking by buying a horse (hey, it was on the list of things-to-do anyway!) Kurt and I have been perusing the online ads and we were just talking about how important it is to take the right kind of picture. You have to really look at it and ask yourself how it looks to someone who doesn't know your horse. YOU may not see what appears to be a short stubby neck but that angle you took the picture in may make the horse look that way. I think I might be able to get a bargain by finding a horse who looks crummy to the outside eye because of bad picture-taking. I tell you, half of them need you Tammy!

  9. I really enjoy your pictures. It's funny that you are talking about printing them. My daughter gave me photo albums for Christmas and told me that I need to print out some of my pictures. I guess I will be going through and finding some that I really like.

  10. My husband has 4 kids, and I take WAY more pictures of my one horse. Ha ha ha! Oops!


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