Dec 25, 2009

A Heckuva Storm!

We are having a very white Christmas here in Nebraska. Blizzardly white-out white. I took the camera with me when I went to the barn this morning. And it has changed dramatically since, as it continues to come down with winds whipping with up to 40 mph gusts.

I won't be pulling this thing anywhere soon!

There is another drift on the other side of this shed which we have been watching from the kitchen window. I am pretty sure it's over our heads now. I'll have more pictures of it later.

Glad we are not scheduled to go anywhere as it would be a challenge to get out of our driveway!

The ice on the crabapple trees have caused them to drop their frozen fruits!

Can a face get any sadder?


  1. The snow has to be bad when the St. Bernard looks sad! I joked when it was snowin and blowin yesterday that if I wanted to live in Nebraska, I'd have movecd to Nebraska. But take that back. Yesterdays little snow event in TX would be a welcome event for y'all. Merry Christmas, and enjoy that family time, since you can't go anywhere if you wanted to. :-)

  2. It's 37* and blue skies here. But the wind is blowing like crazy so we will have to plow out the driveway.

    Enjoy your day!

  3. That is one very white Christmas. Whoa!What a mess.

  4. Your photography is just beautiful! I love your header, too! The jingle bells are a nice touch! Can you send some of that snow my way?? ;)

  5. These photos are all amazing. I especially like the sepia tones, too.

    Stay warm!



I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to hearing from you! Do come again.